CalRHA Public Policy Update - February 2025

Breaking News,

Fire Response: Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders

As a result of the fires in Los Angeles, the Governor has released a series of Executive Orders.

On January 17th, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-11-25 which prohibits landlords from using the unlawful detainer process to evict a tenant for violating a term of their lease that would otherwise prohibit them from sheltering one or more people displaced by the recent emergency. The order does not prohibit landlords from enforcing other lease terms, such as those regarding criminal activity or property damage. The order is in effect until March 8, 2025.

On January 27th, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-14-25 suspending certain restrictions on the length of occupancy in order to make it easier for survivors of the LA area firestorm to stay in hotels and other short-term rentals for more than 30 days as well as reiterates that permitting requirements under the California Coastal Act are suspended for rebuilding efforts.

On February 4th, Executive Order N-17-25 was issued by Governor Gavin Newsom. Among other things, the executive order expands rental price gouging protections to leases of any length, adds three new ZIP codes to prior executive orders prohibiting real estate speculation, and exempts housing in zip codes with high fair market values, which has not previously been on the rental market, from statutory rent caps.


For a full list of all actions taken by the Governor in response to the LA fires, please visit -


Legislative Update

The Legislature is working earnestly to introduce legislation by the deadline of February 21st.  The California Rental Housing Association (CalRHA) President, Legislative Chair, and several Executive Officers made the rounds in the State Capitol to meet with the Governor’s Office and various Legislators in January to lay the groundwork for 2025.  

Of note, CalRHA is sponsoring legislation to deal with a problem that many of our members face, which deals with trespassers on property. We have secured Senator Umberg, Chair of Judiciary Committee, as the author of our bill. More information may be found at

A few key legislative bills have been introduced so far, including:

  • AB 11 (Lee) - Social Housing
  • AB 21 (DeMaio) - Taxpayer Protection Act of 2025
  • AB 69 (Calderon) - CA Fair Plan: Policy Renewals
  • AB 246 (Bryan) - State of emergency: residential rent increases: County of Los Angeles: price gouging: enforcement by district attorney.
  • AB 289 (Pellering) - Discrimination: Housing: Source of Income
  • AB 311 (McKinnor) - Dwelling Units: Persons and Risk of Homelessness
  • AB 414 (Pellerin) - Residential Tenancies: Return of Security
  • SB 9 (Arreguin) ADU Owner-Occupancy Requirement
  • SB 52 (Perez) - Housing Rental Rates and Algorithmic Devices


The Legislative calendar for the year is as follows:

  • February 21st - Last day for bills to be introduced
  • April 11-18 - Spring Recess
  • May 2nd - Policy Committee Deadline for Fiscal Bills
  • May 9th - Policy Committee Deadline for Nonfiscal Bills
  • May 23rd - Appropriations Committee Deadline
  • June 6th - Deadline for bills to pass the Floor in their House of Origin
  • June 15th - Deadline to Pass Budget Bill
  • July 18th - Policy Committee Deadline in Second House
  • July 18th - August 15th -Summer Recess
  • August 29th - Appropriations Committee Deadline in Second House
  • September 12th - Recess Begins
  • October 12th - Last Day for the Governor to Sign or Veto Legislation