CalRHA Legislative Update For September 18, 2023 — End Of 2023 Legislative Session



The 2023 Legislative Session that began with an unprecedented number of bills aimed at restricting our rights as housing providers and imposing costly mandates ended in the wee morning hours of September 14th.

Through out the year, CalRHA’s members inundated legislator offices with calls and letters, helping the lobbying team to defeat major anti-housing legislation including a repeal of Costa-Hawkins protection (SB 466), statewide rent termination database (SB 395), human right to housing (ACA 10) and many more. 

Despite CalRHA’s successes, the Legislature approved several “Oppose” bills during the last couple days of the session, including:

  • AB 12 (Haney) – Security Deposits, passed the Senate with the bare minimum of 21 votes, but we were able to get a small owner exemption (2 properties/4 units). 
  • SB 567 (Durazo) – Just Cause, passed both the Assembly and Senate last night, with Legislators citing the neutrality of CAA given the latest amendments. 
  • ACA 1(Aguiar-Curry) – Local Tax Threshold, and ACA 13 (Ward) Taxpayer Protection Act Attack, also passed, despite a large coalition of opposition.  

CalRHA continues to fight on and is asking Governor Newsom to veto these bills. We will again be asking you to assist in these efforts as the Governor has until October 14 to act on legislation. Please stay tuned.


With your partnership we’ve accomplished a lot this year and we will finish strong!